South Sudan's Challenge

South Sudan's Challenge
Healing & Reconciliation

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Recognizing the Risen Lord at the Breaking of the Bread....

Recognizing the Risen Lord in the Breaking of the Bread…
Fr. Eliseo “Jun” Mercado, OMI

The journey through life is akin to the disciples' walk to Emmaus... It is a journey full of uncertainties and fears, yet hopeful that there is something going on beyond their comprehension. (Luke 24: 13-35)

·      First, there is the obstacle that prevents them to recognize the presence of the Risen Lord in their midst.
·      Second, there is the fact that the Risen Lord is “completely transformed”. He is beyond look or appearances, beyond taste and touch, and beyond smell and hearing that ordinarily would make our five senses know and recognize a presence.
·      Third, there is the remembrance of the Lord’s teaching of “sharing shelter with strangers”, “food to the hungry” and “rest to the weary”.  The disciples invited the “Stranger”: “stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over”.
·      Fourth, at the shared table, the disciple’s eyes were opened at the BREAKING OF THE BREAD… and they RECOGNIZED THE RISEN LORD!

The key to the mystery of life, as we journey through life with all its uncertainties, fears and “untold” expectations, is the capacity to share our lives with others, especially with people in need.  That key will open our eyes to recognize the presence of the Risen Lord at the breaking of the Bread.  But first, we need to share our table and roof with the poor and the strangers…


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